Guangzhou Lizhong Jinshan Alloy Co.,LTD




Product sales
Guangzhou Lizhong Jinshan Alloy Co., Ltd. is specialized in the research, development and manufacturing of high-performance cast aluminum alloy and new non-ferrous metal alloy materials, as well as the comprehensive reuse of resources.
Product introduction
1. Pure aluminum alloy products
AS7G03, AS7G09, A356.2, AlSi7MgCu, SF36, AlSi10MgMn, AC2B, ZL111, AlSi7Mg0.5, 360Y. 6, 356, A360, A03560, AlSi9Mg, AC4CH, ZL101A, ZL104, etc.
2. Semi pure aluminum alloy products
AC4B, AC2A, AC3AM, AlSi6Cu4, AlSi11Mg, ZL107, ZL105, AS8U3, etc.
3. Recycled aluminum alloy products
AlSi9Cu3, ADC12, A380, ZL102, ADC10, 319, etc.
Production guarantee